UNET was created in 2012. The team has an extensive experience regarding:
- Administrative and financial IFIs’ procedures in design and implementation of development projects and PPP projects;
- Due diligence related to PPPs and climate change.
Mid-Term Evaluation of the “Institutional Support to the ECOWAS Commission” project co-funded by EU and Germany to strengthen the ECOWAS Commission and EBID institutional capacity towards EU Pillar Assessment.
UNET is providing support in West Africa (Benin) to public sector (State-Owned Enterprise dealing with road network management) aiming at reducing debt burden and fund-raising for new PPP projects.
UNET provided support in Morocco on implementation phase of 15 blending funded PPP projects in vocational training, USD 90 millions.
UNET represented Transtec in the South Pacific to promote PPPs. 3 MoUs signed:
-Waste management, New Caledonia, EUR 50 millions.
-Production and distribution of clean water, New Caledonia, EUR 25 millions.
-Waste water management, Vanuatu, EUR 55 millions.